
Posts Tagged ‘1700s-1800 CE Europe’

Night Circus Book Cover

Come one come all to something that only happens at night!  Ok, so this is not just an evening event, but there is some relation to a book that deserves recognition.  Due to a series of attempted failings, this will simply be ponderings of Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.

Hello, Gaston College Book Club followers!  Whit Preston, Evening Librarian here with my own admission: I tried to read a book that I could not complete.  And I know, I know!  Many of you might be saying, “but you’re a librarian, you’re a librarian!  You are supposed to read a book in its entirety.”

This was not because of a failed attempt on the author’s part but rather my own lack of interest in the story’s point of view and its viscous pacing.  The story essentially begins with two men, who the reader can believe to be magicians, eternal spirits or even ethereal entities.  Their relationship is comparable to two English gents: one who sees societies as forces conducive to equality and fairness versus one who sees the world where the chosen few endeavor to be the best and thus are the only ones worthy of eminence, power, and wealth.  Essentially, each character seeks a protege whose tutelage will propel one as victor and one who becomes vanquished.  These bettors do not realize that the two students might become lovers, amidst the backdrop of the carnival culture.

The story does a great job of using imagery to evoke a parallel circus that only appears at night.  Sadly, there is not much else that can be said due to my own inability to get no further than about 80 pages into the novel.

However, for anyone who enjoy romance, this will likely be one that is not terribly mushy but certainly contains the teenage innocence, albeit a speculation based on my initial impressions of the story.

The book is available for Interlibrary Loan from other community colleges in North Carolina.

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